Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Christian Family Layout!

I was doing a custom layout for a new friend and came up with this slight variation. I hope that you like it! I am wanting to do some Christian layouts but finding things to use or building things is a bit more challenging than I thought it would be! I am going to keep trying tho!
I have also started using a file hosting...I think it is called...and have the link below for you to use to download. As I am new to this, please bare with me and let me know if there is a problem with the link! Thank you. Oh...the layout is sized at: 14.5x11 inches for larger layout needs. It can be resized down to minima with no problems.


Saturday, January 10, 2009


Here is a new layout. Not feelin too creative but, who knows, maybe someone will like it. This is a larger layout: 14.5x11.0

Friday, January 2, 2009


Here are two layouts I did for my dear friend, Denise. I am not sure if I like the second one, which I actually did first. I think I am just too tired to be creative tonight. Kinda strange as I usually do my best work at night. Ah well...I am off to catch some Zzzz...Hope you all enjoy!

If you like these layouts, please email me. If you are interested in a custom layout based on your tastes, I would be honored to work with you!

God Bless You...
